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Afshin Safavi Talks Tech Ecosystems, Industry Experience, and Job Creation 

Afshin Safavi Talks Tech Ecosystems, Industry Experience, and Job Creation

Afshin Safavi Talks Tech Ecosystems, Industry Experience, and Job Creation 

Live from Denver Channel 7’s new studio, Afshin Safavi, Founder and President of Colorado Health & Tech Centers (CHTC) talks with Sam Boik about Colordo’s STEM ecosystem, lessons from his previous companies, and creating Colorado jobs.

Recently designated a National Quantum Hub, Colorado is set for a booming next decade. From quantum to biotech, AI, space exploration, and medical technology, CHTC is excited to be riding the wave of innovation and investing in state-of-the-art facilities. Founding Bioagilytix in 2008, Safavi turned an economic collapse into an incredible opportunity. As a contract research organization working with pharmaceutical companies, he was able to create jobs for recently laid-off scientists and surround himself with brilliant researchers to work with leading pharmaceutical companies and create life-saving medications. At CHTC, Safavi is applying the same proven formula to foster others’ innovative ideas. 

Building 10 innovation hubs throughout Colorado, Safavi is aiming to create jobs by offering affordable solutions that allow funding to be invested into hiring talent. In addition to the Colorado Health & Tech Centers team, team, the smallest of CHTC facilities will have several hundred tenant employees. The largest projects will see thousands of employees across various industries who in turn develop innovative technologies and support the Colorado economy.

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